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发表于 2016-5-3 10:50:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4月19日,美国纽约曼哈顿岛,晴空万里,春风浩荡。2016中国北兰亭国际上巳雅集书法名家赴美代表团走进联合国总部,应邀参加联合国中文日庆祝仪式,举办了北兰亭名家书画专题展览交流活动。. N$ f: K0 h, O+ h
联合国中央规划司司长马雪松先生,中国纽约总领事管参赞徐永吉先生到会并讲话。荣宝斋艺术总监,书法院院长张旭光先生,联合国中文教学组组长何勇博士,联合国中国书会会长温学军先生,中国北兰亭艺术中心主任乙庄女士,以及中国北兰亭书画名家代表团一行,中国企业代表人士,与联合国官员共同出席活动。9 t. |$ m/ F' _0 ]* d+ h- J2 u
此次活动是北兰亭第四次走进联合国总部举办展览、教学与交流。从2012年北兰亭首次走进联合国,即得到了联合国秘书长潘基文先生的大力支持,先后为活动题辞,在开幕式上讲话,在最大的国际舞台上宣扬了中国书法艺术,在世界范围内扩大了中国文化的影响力。为了表达感激之情,张旭光先生在今天的开幕仪式上,代表北兰亭向潘基文先生及联合国中文书会等机构赠送了精心创作的书法作品。3 M* E: {) W) y$ b' Q3 p+ X
本次北兰亭走进联合国,是2016中国北兰亭国际上巳雅集走进美国的系列活动之一。此前4月8号北兰亭国际上巳雅集已分别在美国旧金山硅谷和洛杉矶中国文化园拉开帷幕,中国洛杉矶总领事馆文化参赞谷今参加了座谈会;张旭光、乙庄以《中国书法为世界做点什么》为题接受了硅谷丁丁电视专访。并于4月9日,农历三月三上巳节当天,在美国加州大学和尹集成庄园举办了展览和雅集笔会活动。随后到华盛顿联合华盛顿大学书法教授王纯杰先生与当地中华文化艺术同盟举办了座谈,进行了现场创作交流。/ G$ Y; r/ K# s# l( _# X& i
4月18日,北兰亭代表团参加了“柒壹资本”联合中国纽约总领事馆举办的“ 文化与经济 ”座谈会,副总领事锺瑞明先生、著名书法家张旭光先生、柒壹会理事长董玉哲先生分别致辞,北兰亭艺术中心主任乙庄女士,著名书画家王盈、李自强先生出席了活动。随后北兰亭又与文化参赞李立言先生就文化艺术传播进行了磋商。' O( k/ L- v" i8 \; C& C! K
+ s: a3 }6 g; S+ r6 z2016中国北兰亭国际上巳雅集系列活动既走进了国际最高机构联合国总部,又走进了美国的十一个州,深入了美国基层社区和华人社区。充分展示了中国书画名家的创作风采,广泛传播了中国传统书画艺术和上巳节文化理念。受到了国际社会和美国人民的热烈欢迎和高度赞誉,看到了中美文化交流的广阔前景,为扩大中国文化国际影响力做出了实实在在的贡献。同时广大艺术家在美国的高科技园区,高科技文化产业中感受了信息社会发展中的现代化冲击力,感受到中国书法艺术与现代科技共鸣的国际价值。通过参观好莱坞影视城,美国大都会博物馆、美国现代艺术馆,进一步开阔了文化视野和艺术视野。" h) t* s. ]% m* ~
代表团成员:张旭光、陈羲明、乙庄、王盈、李自强、李兆银、张传伟、魏山开、杨建忠、梁理、张福增、葛培。5 X2 w# k* g, r6 Z% @
2 C  a4 G6 s* W- P0 |
8 M: k4 U8 A6 ~% e0 `) t) f6 p

( P' M* K/ e3 }0 |9 W北兰亭美国分会
8 b4 \6 t/ t/ I' a9 Z7 W! @1 Y4 t# t9 G9 ~- l; p3 @
5 d) `5 u. Z* b8 E# m$ b! _3 Q; g0 w7 I! E# z. T. ?
/ j4 W" ^: o( C. e" S

6 M& Z* M  Y+ O0 j) {' `8 @7 p- K, ?) o1 F
# w$ c2 P$ z6 e' p0 t, y

9 n# k/ z. _) s+ X; b  D( Q: c/ {
8 d! E: S9 a0 {# I& [3 H. e% _  H  G! H

5 ]; @. u! k9 X1 O& f. B联合国中国书会会长温学军
% L4 e8 S1 Z0 y8 C: ^' X3 @0 W6 z. \) J
3 W6 H9 l. n) J  x6 u0 z
- V7 }/ W  ^" a: H, V+ n# F, G; d8 h$ i; I. V7 g) }/ F" c. f

8 a" U- x) A  S" C
6 I3 K* I$ [. i$ ]- g, D8 [' o3 q
2 a/ ]: n6 ~+ x( @( z0 `2 J+ U2 r1 P  r: c
  t2 w% ^2 X1 N/ |

: B2 a& w+ L5 R7 z( [+ \( K" p: D7 O1 E3 J0 q8 l% G% t) i

( G% B1 O9 }9 o$ k* R
' |2 W+ P! |/ D& S# r4 n" ^9 g6 z, N' m- x8 c* a9 N: X! o
0 N2 ~  {, ]( s
2 Q* m4 y- f; h, I, h' e# A2 E
荣宝斋艺术总监,书法院院长张旭光: o2 z; x2 K3 Q- A8 f& C

* v( r' i9 i, P
8 W  L) D' y) y- [荣宝斋艺术总监,书法院院长张旭光
4 @4 \+ S2 N! ?8 v2 W) H, P: p7 F
3 Q5 k) w& L, d% B  O  X) N
# B7 G$ u  v" w9 c: D/ w6 \" y美国中国书法家协会主席李兆银
9 H( ]2 N6 H( E  t& ~
4 z% ]* L  M8 d. v; P6 W+ X5 f2 X% m8 h% s! q
美国中国美术家协会主席黄春云# |0 N" ]- Z. b0 ]" F' E$ c
6 }. r5 p6 f4 ?! s! V9 g1 h) u

2 Q4 q( p# B) F( [- w+ u" }0 r6 C) p% b: z) i) d- U1 |. [
+ Z0 T8 l5 k, [5 r1 R% @
. d7 ?: o/ ]  M

) q' |# |3 V6 }, \8 {- I2 G: w- x( ]  c( a! v: ^( Q  r: Q
4 i4 X; ?! U7 y7 F- y
2 O( G* ]" W/ x3 }( i+ U) |& e8 B& @2 `/ q
荣宝斋. b; f5 \1 P( U5 L6 q
. d/ e: H" d% p
雷振芳(中国著名鉴定家、荣宝斋艺术总监),美国中国书法家协会主席李兆银6 @% O6 V! j, ~# ^

/ m2 g, ]' c6 H" I# o% m. v% d, |
3 O4 E% a, c5 l4 _7 x! L6 q' T2 ]$ y7 f! R) J0 G! A  j' H% u

- c0 |+ i2 U1 @0 g4 a
1 G( [9 F; J8 P中国纽约总领事管参赞徐永吉,美国中国书法家协会主席李兆银2 O4 ]6 B& ?  G

1 X# a- n5 y7 a# w+ I3 f5 _  c7 s( x) Y. h! x7 u8 ]

/ N: ]5 S( o6 H3 a6 ?! C- Q
( f7 q& w; q0 v% U$ n0 `0 N# w8 N; Z# z3 A

5 g0 K. ~  x0 {1 `; I% S3 J1 U+ [4 [  M4 P* S
* [% w, D$ @1 P  f4 h" G) s% K
0 H' R. [' f# h1 y. P6 R* }6 d
$ m/ t& O2 f! k2 d/ i9 M乙庄, j6 J4 c& Y( x; U, V

1 {5 T, c/ E% o, S1 r) |1 Z( n! G( {/ @2 E7 N8 Z! A
0 p5 C1 u+ ~7 }$ V
1 N' d! O, \, ?& u梁理
5 m7 |& l( S3 m! j
3 N0 e5 Z3 [3 i. q# z: Y/ o7 Q3 u  F0 Z, I% c
4 t. @% o% v0 t3 F* J

2 X, T' {8 Y( q  D" G0 `1 n! s+ w8 B
. V2 R0 K1 M, J* h1 D; I. ^. ~% b$ t0 m' L4 y, |# z
9 a1 Q+ d7 G+ S( T% O
雷振芳7 M; Z; u: |3 m1 Q8 f
% p" R  s8 i5 h7 y5 b( `
, ^) J/ d6 T' C$ u+ j% `% q  F
8 D+ [- @1 _' |4 C* x) ~& Z0 f8 V
3 q* E  c2 y" y8 l4 T9 N8 e
8 p7 F. ?' ?4 h# G0 B' P9 ]% j$ S/ |6 H! G! h: Z# b
0 Q% v2 _* {& i! \1 ~
魏山开9 E) c2 a; c" p8 I4 d, B, p- F

! k8 ]6 w9 Q) F  a* H5 ]张福增+ ?; [3 B- q4 X0 v& K, j
8 F& \. N# O. T0 t
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. f8 v% e( B3 N' q9 w3 W0 |
: c4 I- X% r) x" I5 f  B/ i# ~2 z
 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-3 10:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
The United Nations Chinese - North Lanting Pavilion fourth times into the United Nations Headquarters Exhibition
, o6 H% ]( V# h, O  Z$ D
# L9 w# h  n( a: G) V4 RIn April 19th, the United States of New York on Manhattan Island, blue skies, the mighty spring breeze. 2016 China North Pavilion international pat gathering calligraphy went to the US delegation walked into the headquarters of the United Nations, was invited to attend the UN Chinese day celebration, held North Lanting calligraphy masters thematic exhibition and exchange activities.4 U# A" P+ a6 f. B( C. F5 ~4 @0 R

' B" c$ W7 `/ kMa Xuesong, director of the central planning department of the United Nations Mr. China, Consul General of New York canal counsellor Mr. Xu Yongji attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Rong Bao Zhai art director and Calligraphy Institute President Mr. Zhang Xuguang, UN Chinese teaching group leader Dr. He Yong, UN Chinese book club president Wen Xuejun Mr., North China Lanting Art Center Director B Ms. Zhuang, and North China Lanting calligraphy masters delegation line, on behalf of the Chinese enterprises who, with the officials of the United Nations common attended the activity.$ C2 b6 i" U7 u- N* W
& ~* p2 Y" Y! d( C# F9 I8 p
This is the North Lanting Pavilion fourth times into the United Nations Headquarters exhibition, teaching and communication. From 2012 North Pavilion for the first time into the UN, Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General"s support, has active inscription, speech at the opening ceremony, in the largest international stage aired the art of Chinese calligraphy, in the world scope expanded the influence of Chinese culture. In order to express gratitude, Mr. Zhang Xuguang at today"s opening ceremony, representing the northern Lanting to books such as Chinese Mr. Ban Ki Moon, the United Nations agency presented carefully creation of calligraphy works.
+ Z5 L/ l5 A: Z9 {2 l
; }/ y: @" F* F6 v2 d$ AThe North Lanting Pavilion into the United Nations, 2016 Chinese north of Lanting Pavilion international has been gathering into one of a series of activities in the United states. Previously April 8 North Pavilion international gathering of Pat respectively in American Silicon Valley, San Francisco and Los Angeles Chinese Cultural Park kicked off, Los Angeles Chinese Consulate General of the cultural counsellor valley today to participate in the Forum; Zhang Xuguang, Yi Zhuang to the Chinese calligraphy for the world to do something "title accepted the Silicon Valley Tintin television interview. And on April 9, three Shangsi festival the day lunar new year in March, at the University of California and Yin integrated manor held exhibition and the gathering of pen events. Then came to Washington and University of Washington calligraphy professor Wang Chunjie and the local Chinese culture and Arts Alliance held a forum to carry out the field of exchange.
* z* l+ z3 W/ P! Y" y% ?: S' h- \, @7 |) p9 y# v
On April 18, North Lanting delegation participated in the Chinese Consulate General in New York held jointly "Qiyi capital" cultural and Economic Forum, Deputy Consul General Mr. Zhong Ruiming, a famous calligrapher Mr. Zhang Xuguang, Qiyi will chairman Dong Yuzhe Mr. delivered speeches respectively, North Lanting Art Center Director B Ms. Zhuang, famous painter Wang Ying, Li Ziqiang Mr. attended the event. Then the North Lanting Pavilion and cultural counsellor Mr. Li Liyan discussed the dissemination of culture and art.+ Z$ r+ o* ]: E1 L

3 ]$ K2 B. b' K& B% {( \It is reported that after the end of the event, the North Pavilion will also be invited to participate in colorful Humanities Institute and the Confucius Institute of the State University of New York business to united in the State University of New York held lectures, exhibitions and writing scroll. Mr. Zhang Xuguang will deliver a speech to "enjoy" the title of cursive./ N( V% B* H$ Z, ^$ [

8 a$ ?6 ]: U( ?7 `* d1 z- t$ {2016 China North Pavilion international pat gathering series of activities both into the highest international agencies of the United Nations headquarters in, and into the eleven states in the United States, deep into the grassroots community and the Chinese community. Fully demonstrated the Chinese painting and calligraphy creation style, the spread of Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy art and China Shangsi Festival culture. Warmly welcomed by the international community and the people of the United States and the highly acclaimed, see the broad prospects of Sino US cultural exchanges, to make a real contribution to expand the international influence of China culture. At the same time, the majority of artists in the United States high-tech high-tech park, the cultural industry experience in the development of information society modernization impact, feel China calligraphy art and modern technology with the international value. By visiting Hollywood studio, the Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of modern art, to further broaden the cultural vision and artistic vision./ ~. M  M: s+ B

/ o& b% v6 \/ e9 n# Y$ D5 uThe delegation members: Zhang Xuguang, Chen Ximing, Wang Ying, Li Ziqiang, Yi Zhuang, Li Zhaoyin, Zhang Chuanwei, Wei Shankai, Yang Jianzhong, Liang Li, Zhang Fuzeng, ge.
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